Free Fertility Masterclass for Women Ready to Optimize Their Fertility 


Too many women are making fertility mistakes & not realizing it.


When it comes to fertility, time is one of our most valuable resources, and unfortunately, the medical system is failing couples with fertility.


So whether you are a woman currently in the process of getting pregnant (TTC), or thinking about getting pregnant in the coming year(s) and want to get your ducks in a row, it’s wise to get educated and do it now.


That’s why I created this FREE fertility masterclass that will expose the myths you might believe about your fertility, and looks at the ‘unconventional’ factors that REALLY play a role in helping you get pregnant.



Have we met?

My name is Stefanie Adler. I’m a holistic nutritionist, hormone and fertility coach who’s helped over 50+ women get pregnant. 
In addition to my two degrees in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and Holistic Women's Health, I’ve spent 100’s of hours researching fertility and what contributes to ease with conception, healthy pregnancies, and thriving babies. 
My programs support women at all stages of their fertility journey, many of whom are tired of the ineffective and unhelpful advice they’ve been given by their OBGYN’s or other medical professionals. 
My signature Fertility Framework looks at diet, lifestyle, mindset, and bio-individual factors to support your conception, pregnancy, and postpartum journey! 
And it works! 90% of my fertility clients who want to conceive get pregnant within a year of working together (usually in less time!).

Brooke + Jack:

After quite a challenging fertility journey (see some of her story in her own words) B found her way to me. We took a holistic approach to her fertility that changed the trajectory of her fertility journey and that of her family. Now she has a beautiful baby boy who is the light of his parent's life.


In the 13 months between inquiring about how to join one of my fertility programs and giving birth to her beautiful baby girl, Em, through my signature Fertility Framework, dialed in on what needed to shift to help her and her husband conceive after almost of year of previously TTC.


Despite working with several different practitioners (some more ‘natural and others more conventional) and “doing it all” for years, Hoda was still not having a cycle when we connected. She needed someone to tell her perhaps what she didn’t want to hear, but was necessary for her healing, and hold the space/ guide her through the necessary physical, mental and spiritual changes that finally facilitated her getting pregnant with her first baby!

Free Fertility Masterclass

For Women Ready to Optimize their Fertility

This Free Masterclass is for you if:


You want to know what you need to have a healthy thriving pregnancy


You’ve been following the conventional fertility advice and are feeling frustrated


You want to get your ducks in a row before conceiving 


Your doctor is suggesting fertility treatments, and you’re feeling like there’s more to try first


You’re in fertility treatments and want to optimize for their success